How Can Massage or Bodywork Benefit Me?

Massage therapy provides relief to individuals from all walks of life. Be it the weekend warrior, competitive athletes, at home gardeners or the typical executive constantly struggling to tread water in today’s economy. Waitresses, secretaries and laborers, everyone feels the need for a massage at some point in their lives. The senior population as well truly benefits from massage therapy, as it can enhance circulation and flexibility. Even the bedridden can be helped in this regard. However, there are some instances where massage therapy is not recommended. Your therapist will ask you for any  information regarding your specific health conditions and anything  you may be dealing with in order to determine whether or not bodywork is contraindicated. In certain cases, the therapist may request your doctor’s permission in order to provide any services.

 Finding A Qualified Practitioner

Your massage therapy or bodywork services should always be provided by a trained professional who has received the appropriate certification. Don’t hesitate to ask your therapist about their training, background, skills or experience.

It’s Time to Take Care of Yourself

Care of one’s body deserves a spot be at the top of everyone’s priority list. People will look and feel better if they take the necessary steps in regards to health and nutrition. Stress and tension relief on it’s own improves vitality and your state of mind. Massage therapy and bodywork can play an important role in your life.

Massage Therapy For Emotional Problems and Pain

With many chronic conditions, massage therapy can help heal and relieve pain. Emotional problems as with physical conditions may also be coaxed  into self-healing through massage. Frequently this helps with the need to take over the counter medications, which unnecessarily tax the kidneys, liver and other vital organs.

Massage in Motion Brings the Healing to you

If you would like to hear more about how you could benefit from mobile therapeutic massage, or you would like to schedule an appointment in the Grants Pass area please call Melissa A. Bailey, Licensed Massage Therapist at (541) 862-1442 or visit her online at